If you are intending an all-out expedition lasting a week or more, then you should consider a full pack, which are backpacks that have room for all the gear you'll need to survive in the woods for weeks. Most full packs have either an internal or an external frame, and can offer as much as 6,000 cubic inches of packing space. A full pack backpack like the High Peak Katmandu 70 + 10 Internal Frame Backpack may offer features like a full rain cover including hood to keep you and your gear dry in wet weather. Look for additional features like a bottom zipper to allow access to the bottom of the main compartment and multiple places to attach other gear on the outer backpack.
How does it fit?
Adjustable straps are all well and good, but some backpacks are a better fit than others. A backpack that does not fit comfortably can leave you with an aching back, or tire you out to the point where you have to quit hiking early. Some points to watch out for include:
How much packing space do you need?
What can you fit into 1,000 cubic inches? How about 5,000 cubic inches? In general, the following rules of thumb apply:
If you are selecting a pack for day trips or around the town use, then you should be fine with a day pack that has a capacity of up to 1,500 cubic inches. Kids' backpacks can be proportionally smaller.
If you plan on taking weekend trips or doing light backpacking and hiking, then you may want a backpack that's substantially larger. A capacity of 1,750 to 3,000 cubic inches will provide plenty of packing room for clothes and gear for one person on a weekend camping trip.
If you are carrying gear for more than one person, or for an extended trip, look for a full pack with over 3,000 cubic inches of packing space. A full pack with an external frame will distribute weight evenly and make your backpacking trip a pleasure.
Inspired by vintage hunting gear, This hiking pack focuses heavily on timeless
combined fabrics and retro distressed design. The hiking rucksacks combined
with rugged cotton canvas, waxed canvas, distressed cowhide and pigskin.
We designed it with an easy collar stud closure, meaning it can be opened and
closed without fastening buckles. It's also equipped with two exterior side
pockets, a exterior front pocket, a interior zip pocket and two interior slip
pockets. So it's extremely functional and tough.
Whether you are a women or a men, this hiking pack is an ideal choice for you.
Don't forget to take it around you when go to school, climbing, hiking.
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Backpack - BK-1225-A |