Whether your are camping in the cold and looking for a down sleeping bag, a double sleeping bag for a couples holiday, or a cheap sleeping bag for festivals or sleepovers - you'll find it in our range. Take note of the season ratings on our sleeping bags, the higher the rating the warmer the sleeping bag will be.
All sleeping bags are perfect for keeping you comfy and cosy when in your tent. We even stock a compact sleeping bag making it easier for you to carry and pack away in an instant. Also be sure to check out our range of air beds to provide that extra bit of comfort to your camping experience. These are suitable for both an adult and children's sleeping bag.
Your sleeping bag will be one of the most important pieces of gear you bring on any backpacking trip. It’s critical for warmth, comfort, safety, and helping your body get the rest it needs. Your sleeping bag will also be one of the four heaviest items in your pack (shelter, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, backpack). So it’s a good place to save weight, which will make hiking more enjoyable.
When you start looking for a bag with the perfect balance between warmth, weight, comfort and functionality, you’ll quickly find that there are A LOT of options out there. That’s why I’ve created this guide to share the very best sleeping bags and quilts on the market.
Check out our range of sleeping bags in a number of different styles and colours to accommodate everyone. This includes a double sleeping bag and a number of kids sleeping bags for when the kiddies join you for a fun family holiday.
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Sleeping Bag - SP-1301-A |