When considering how tent camping has changed over the years, on one side, one could think that it has evolved as much and at the same pace as the rest of life. On the other hand, the avid forest camper probably believes more that tent camping in the forest has only changed as much as each and every camper lets it.
Sure, there are many evident changes that have occurred over the years in regards to tent camping in general, however the same old camping principles really still apply. Today, a small fortune can be spent on new camping gear, from your tent, sleeping bags, the best clothing, to the latest gizmos and gadgets.
Another thought to consider is that forest goers of the past also did not has use of many of the safety and mapping electronic devices that campers of today have access to such as GPS units, transievers, beacons and cell phones. All today, widely used for safety and wilderness activities of many sorts.
Largely changed in the forest camping world also are the fabrics that are used today in the production of clothing, tents, tarps, and other uses of material and waterproofing. Plastics and the uses of other more durable lightweight materials are another change that has occurred over the years making packs quite a bit lighter for any forest tenting trip.
Tents are also another big change for tenting camping, in any neck of the woods. A tent of today, is a far reach from the little red tent you may have pitched in the backyard as a child. Tents now come in almost every size, shape, and color that any camper might desire.
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Hunting Tent,Camping Tent, Ultralight waterproof |