Buying the right sleeping bag for camping or backpacking, is very important. When you decide to go on a camping trip you need to have the right sleeping bag for a good nights rest. The best sleeping bags are down sleeping bags.
Down sleeping bags are the lightest sleeping bags you can purchase and are some what expensive. This type of bag will keep you warm and is the lightest compared to nylon or synthetic sleeping bags. Down sleeping bags take up less space and are easier to carry if you are backpacking.
To clean them you can put them in the dryer on warm air and fluff them back to just like new. Synthetic or nylon sleeping bags are cheaper to purchase and are efficient. Nylon sleeping bags take wear and tear well and will stay warm even when they are wet. They are the most popular sleeping bags for the weekend campers. The one thing I noticed when camping with a nylon bag is that they tend to be noisy when sleeping and you role over to change positions and are slippery if you are sleeping on a cot.
Buying the right tent is important for your comfort. Here are a few fix it thoughts to pick the right tent for camping out. You have found the location for your camp out you hopefully you have the right tent to put up and sleep in. You need to know what time of year and weather you will be camping in. You need to know how many people and children will be sleeping in each tent. kids many times like to sleep and play in their own tents. Make sure to check out canopy tents they are easy to carry and are easy to pack and put up. You can spray on some silicon water proofing on the out side of the tent. This will help keep out water if it rains. If you are camping in an area that gets allot of rain you should take along a light weight tarp and put it over the top of the tent and stake it to the ground around the outside of the tent. You should dig a small trench and let rain water flow away from the tent.
You can also put up a light weight screen tent in front of your tent. This will act as a barrier to bugs and flying insects. Make sure to choose a tent that is large enough for you to sleep in comfortable. The tent also needs to have room enough for your clothes and food supplies do not leave food outside you are begging for trouble from small animals. Look to make sure that the tent has a hanger near the top to hang a light or clothes. You can make your own wooden stakes to hold the tent in place. This way you can just leave the stakes in the ground when you break camp. Plastic stakes will break when you hammer them into the ground. Wood stakes are easy to make and disposable.
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camping Canopy, camo |