The great outdoors backpack is a challenge for the more exploratory and adventurous individuals. The appeal of the whitewater rafting or trekking though miles and miles of lush vegetation or rocky mountain paths calls out to them.
There is a trend to camp, trek or backpack. The 1960s saw the rise of "backpack" travelers who went hopping from one continent to another to experience its people and culture. Backpack is now considered an action word. To "backpack" means could mean going trekking, hiking, camping.
Camping and backpacking is synonymous to fishing. No backpacker in his right mind would forget to lug an inflatable boat during one of his jaunts. The problem though is the size and weight of a regular inflatable boat is about 40 pounds. Packing that much weight might prove to be a little too much even for an avid backpacking fisherman. How do you solve the weight problem? An option is to bring a buddy for the ride. You can share the weight of the inflatable boat (pump, oars and fishing gear) which means you also have to share the inflatable as a fishing platform. If this is the case, aside from losing the chance to experience nature by yourself, you also need to focus where to cast your line to prevent snarled lines and tempers.
You can opt to bring top of the line inflatable play boat. This type is light as it is made of unreinforced PVC. You will definitely carry a lighter load as there is no need to carry a pump. You can inflate this thing orally. You can decide to leave it behind when it has served its purpose. You don't have to worry if it suffers scrapes and scratches as they are inexpensive – that is if you are on land. When you are in the middle of the lake and your little play boat encounters rocks, snags, pointy sticks woe on you and your little play boat.
Though there are plenty of campers who use these inexpensive unreinforced inflatable boats, there are risks. When safety is at stake, play boats are better used in swimming pools and shallow waters and not as vessels for fishing in the lake
The Sevylor Tahiti is probably one of the best choices for a backpacker. It is an inflatable kayak made from either unreinforced PVC for $150 and the more expensive PVC-coated polyester model priced at $500. Both models weigh about 25 pounds and can easily be handled by one paddler. It can sit two persons as long as they are not on the heavy side. The kayak comes with a pump and set of paddles. For a short backpack-fishing trip in a beaver-pond, this kayak is a good enough backpack inflatable boat.
Now, if you are one serious backpacking-fly-fishing aficionado, the kayak might prove to be amateurish for you. Jack's Plastic Welding, Inc. is an inflatable boat company located in Aztec, New Mexico. The company produced the prototype of a one-man inflatable catamaran aptly named the Pack Cat. This inflatable was specifically designed for backpacking. The boat is made of two parallel inflatable 12-inch tubes with a length of 10 feet connected to each other by a metal frame. A seat is fixed between the two tubes. When seated your legs are placed straight in front of you. This backpack inflatable boat paddles well using a regular double-bladed kayak paddle. The Pack Cat is made of PVC-coated 1,100-denier polyester fabric construction which makes it an ideal backpack inflatable boat for fishing in ponds and streams. It will also be able to handle to shoot a Class IV rapids, stable and safe to use at sea and is hardy to withstand an extended backpacking trip. The best deal with a Pack Cat is its weight and portability. It is less than 25 pounds and will fit in a standard backpack with space to spare. A one-person Pack Cat is pegged at $750 while a two-passenger model fetches
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