When we are riding bike, there are flurry wind that usually keep with us. This not only will harm to our skin, but also dry our eyes. If you expose a long time in this condition, you may feel eye dry and eye ache. Besides, the dust in the air may also infect your eyes. But if you wear goggles, things will go different. Goggle could prevent the harm from wind during cycling. Besides, it also can help you block dust or other flying things. From this point, not only cycling, almost any kind of outdoor sports activities should wear goggles. In fact, there are many kinds of goggles in the market for different sports games. For example, there are basketball goggles, skiing goggles etc.
Besides, wearing goggles could also block ultraviolet radiation. It is commonly known that ultraviolet radiation will hurt our eyes. For some who expose in ultraviolet radiation for a long, they are likely to catch cataracts or other eye diseases (if you want to know more about it, please refer to ultraviolet radiation (UV) radiation and your eyes). So, it is necessary to wear goggles during cycling. Maybe this is why we can see so many people wear goggles during some sports games. Besides, long time expose in sunlight also cause eye fatigue, so people who plan to some outdoor activities had better prepare a pair.
Especially in summer, the sunlight is always hot that makes people feel hard to open their eyes. This is an inevitably problem for people who want to travel or attend some outdoor activities. If you just enjoy your leisure time outside, wearing a pair of sunglasses is enough for getting eye protection. But if you want to join some sports games, you'd better wear special sports glasses which we called goggles. Besides, you can also take your eye prescription to make prescription sports goggle to correct vision if you need.
In addition, some experienced people told us that goggle must have the function of safety, protection, comfort and beauty. Therefore, before you buy them, you should consult the sellers if their goggle could filter ultraviolet radiation or not. And then choose the best suitable one according to your face shape and preference.
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