A canopy tarp offers all the protection of an ordinary tarp with the added convenience of being attached to a sturdy but lightweight frame which gives it the ability to be held in place above the ground. The outdoor uses are numerous and include shelter for picnics, barbeques and parties as well as protection for equipment and vehicles.
A portable canopy is equally effective at providing shelter from rain and shade from direct sunlight. With a smaller canopy, the tubular frame is easy enough for a single person to set it up without any assistance. Two people may be needed to erect a larger canopy for a vehicle or party.
Options include low pitched canopies as well as high pitched canopies that will prevent rain water from collecting on the top. Most kits will come with all the hardware needed to build the unit but some require you to purchase tubing from a local building supply retailer.
Consider buying a canopy tarp the next time you need a temporary shelter for a prized possession or a way to protect guests from the elements.
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camping Canopy, outdoor Canopy, CARPORT |