The first thing you need to do is select the tent that is right for you. This may seem like a simple task, but it is a very important one that will make sure that your tent camping trip is an enjoyable one.
Make sure you pick out a tent that is well made and will stand up to years of use and will stand up to harsh weather conditions in case the weather should turn bad.
The size of the tent should be big enough to hold everyone that will be using it along with your clothing and any other gear you may want to keep in the tent. When the tent manufacturer states that the tent will sleep 4 people, it usually means that it is big enough for 2 people and their gear. It all depends on the level of comfort you would like to have.
Almost everyone when they first start out camping, start out tent camping. Here are some tent camping tips to help you get the most out of your tent camping trip.
Lets face it, if you have ever been camping in the dead of the summer, in a tent, then you know how hot it can be to sleep at night. Yes camping is great fun but, when it is 90 degrees outside at night, it can be hard to sleep with the humidity and the heat. Thankfully there is an alternative to the sweltering sleepless nights. Now you can get air conditioning for camping in a tent.
There are many tents that offer great ventilation, where the tent has many windows; to allow the air to flow freely through the unit. This works well if there is a breeze to cool things off but, what if the air is still and it is humid? Cooling the tent, to make the night comfortable is a breeze. There are many compact air conditioners that can cool the tent for hours, allowing you to have a relaxing nights sleep.
Many have an attractive compact design, which offers a whisper quiet fan with low power usage for an economical alternative to many portable air conditioners; that can cost hundreds of dollars. Some brands are portable such as the KoolerAire, with its 12-volt air conditioner that is not tied down with hoses, pumps or pads. This type of air conditioning for tent camping is very inexpensive making it affordable for most any camper.
When challenged with the task to beat the heat while tent camping, you have two options: evaporating cooling systems and air conditioning units. Most air conditioners for tent camping, remove moisture which is a common choice in the areas of the country that have a high humidity. A refrigerant model will cool room temperature in a tent by 30 to 40 degrees. When cooling a tent, you will want to follow a common rule of thumb: one ton of cooling (or 12,000 BTU) for every 25 to 150 square feet of space.
Here are some other factors that you may want to consider when making your choice for a tent camping air conditioner, in addition to the square footage of the tent to be cooled: where will the tent be placed, what time of year will you be camping and what time of the day will you be spending in the tent. For example, if you are camping in the middle of August on an asphalt parking lot, in between two buildings, you will need more cooling units then if you were camping on a grassy clearing in the evening in May. Full stand up tents can make a difference, as well as there is more room to cool, verses the tents that are shorter.
The second option for air conditioners for tent camping is the Evaporative cooling systems, which blow out a cool mist that will evaporate when it hits hot skin. These type of cooling units use ice to cool the air and they can put out more air then the typical air conditioners at a distance of 60 to 80 feet. This alone makes this a very cost effective unit to have. They are very inexpensive to use as they require less units to cool an area. These types of air conditioners can lower the room temperature, at best, down 10 to 15 degrees.
Camping in tent is a great way to get back to basics, but you dont have to suffer in the heat as well. Investing in an inexpensive air conditioner can make a world of difference for you and your family when camping. Just imagine being able to go back to the nice cooled off tent after a day of hiking and playing in the great out doors. You will feel more refreshed after a good night sleep and be ready to take on the next adventure.
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camping tent, camo, folding tent, 2-person |