You go on foot or by bicycle or motorcycle on the road and you get up every night in a different place, then a light tent you quickly design desirable. Hikers are best served by tents of 2-3 kg. These are usually made of polyamide (nylon) or polyester reinforced with rip stop (diamond reinforced wire). Both synthetic materials are lightweight, strong, durable, and washable and dry quickly. You can easily store a few days without the wet cloth there suffer. Drawbacks of these materials are the condensation, sensitivity to UV radiation (coatings that may occur), and the stretching of the fabric when it is wet (in particular, nylon).
For cyclists and canoeists are tents of 3-6 kg the most appropriate. Camping tents are made of polyamide, polyester, cotton or light weight of the mixed polyester cotton. Cotton breathes better, is more resistant to UV radiation but dries slowly and is not washable. Polyester Cotton is its characteristics between polyester and cotton.
Stick arc Tents are by their shape often broader. Moreover, there are no poles in the tent or the entrance. A place for luggage and an awning over the entrance can be useful against the ingress of rain. When tents of synthetic material for adequate ventilation to prevent condensation. If the tent is in two sheaths, you can distribute the weight.
Setting up the tent
The lightweight cam (bivouac) tent and the bow stick (umbrella) tent are both easy to set up. A no tent usually has something more shaving lines and pegs, but a bow stick tent takes some more time to implement the sticks through the slots or the inner tent to hang it. There are also so-called pop-up tents who himself up, a few pegs in the ground and ready. Folding is just a trick. Some tents can hang the inner tent in bad weather or degrade without being wet. When cheap note that there are adequate ventilation in the tent.
You go by car on holiday and swap your regular pitch? Then it is important that the setting does not take too long and the tent provides ample sleeping, living, and luggage. Possibly the need tents have headroom. The tent should be able to all weather conditions (rain and extreme wind or sunlight). There is plenty of choice in medium called pyramid tents.
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camping tent, camo, folding tent, 2-person |