There are a lot many things to be known about the camping tents and one of those is the knowledge of the various parts from which the camping tents are made up of. A number of parts are joined together to form the shelter, we use.
With time, there has been a break-through in camping equipments. So, being well-informed about the recent developments would also help in taking proper care of the various parts of the camping tents.
Main Parts of Camping Tents
The camping tents, as our human body, are made up of a range of small and big parts. Among them, the most valuable and the most basic parts are:
• The Inner Tent : This refers to the main body of the camping tents, which are used as living compartments. It is made water-proof and well ventilated if single walled but are not water-proof if double walled.
• The Flysheet : The flysheet is for rain fly functions. It makes the camping tents water-proof and ensures smooth condensation.
• The Ground Sheets : The foot prints, also called ground sheets, in camping tents prevent the seepage of water from underneath.
Other Parts of Camping Tents
Miscellaneous parts of camping tents comprise of the vestibule, the stakes and the air vents.
• Stakes : These are used to fasten the camping tents to the ground. They also provide shape and extra stability to the camping tents.
• Air Vents: The air vents assist in continuing proper ventilation and lessen the effects of condensation due to breathing.
Some Fine Details
The camping tents consist of still many finer details to be considered. Some of these include- the pole sleeves, regulating pole tensioners, variable peg attachments, ground straps, reflectors, door bands, guy lines, attachments, short sleeve and a clip system. In spite of being counted as minor parts, still you cannot afford them to be neglected because they add to the perfection of camping tents.
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Hunting Tent,Camping Tent, 4 Man Tunnel Tent |